My journey of matsu takako, 滿載著夢想的時空旅程...
● 春天的夢想 ●
「Being 26 is a tough point in life because it's too late to think of new dreams, but on the other hand, it's too late to abandon old ones...」
2003年隆子的年度春季日劇, 在漫天風雨經濟不景的時日裡, 我們看到一個堅持夢想的故事. 廿六歲的人生可以有什麼目標, 應如何繼續走下去? 與什麼人一同走下去? 所以我仍會看日劇看隆子, 一同成長的感覺大概如此. 像冬天過去春天會來, 人生不就是四季的伸延不斷? 成熟了的 隆子用心地把瑞穗的忐忑心情完美演繹. 有夢最美, 我們要堅持夢想, 世界才有得救的一天.
● 永遠兩個人 ●
谷町瑞穗(松隆子), 廿六歲, 在家鄉北海道的一家餐館打工, 她從小的夢想就是成為名小說家, 但總被其他人嘲笑. 一天一位自稱來自東京中央出版社的編輯跟瑞穗說她得了小說的新獎, 要她馬上到東京, 才發現自己已被騙了三百萬. 不得已的她最後只好找上很久沒見的死黨健大(阪口憲二), 並在他家中暫住. 一段對夢想由追尋到失去到重新起程的年輕日子就此展開.
(View screen capture here)
English version of storyline : (link)
Mizuho Tanimachi has big dreams of living in Daikanyama and becoming a famous writer. In the middle of the winter, this strong-willed 26-year-old moves to Tokyo from the snowy countryside. Never doubting her ability, she keeps telling herself that if her desire to realize her dreams is strong enough, they will come true. What is waiting for her in Tokyo though, is something altogether different.
Kenta Morinaga is an up-and-coming variety program scenario writer. Kenta moved to Tokyo five years ago, and with luck on his side, he became well-known in no time. Kenta and Mizuho are from the same hometown, and were friends growing up, but their friendship never blossomed into anything else. "Hachiko," as Kenta was known as when he was growing up, just goes with the flow and doesn't really have any big aspirations for himself.
These two, who aren't having much luck with work or with their love lives, suddenly run into each other one day in Tokyo in the middle of winter.
Being 26 is a tough point in life because it's too late to think of new dreams, but on the other hand, it's too late to abandon old ones...
This new kind of story about life in the "big city" was written by Yuko Aizawa, a drama script writer who has already won the hearts of many young women for her acclaimed script for the Fuji hit drama "The Power of Love."
Always the two of us | total 11 Episodes | boardcasted on Mondays 9:00-9:54 p.m. | Beginning January 6, 2003 | Always the two of us official homepage |
Readings | 時報悅讀網 : 悅讀日本藝能延伸閱讀 | 概說《永遠兩個人》中演員的一個人特質 | 《永遠兩個人》夢想一定會實現? | 掙脫寒冬的春日夢想--《永遠兩個人》 | 日本偶像劇場《永遠兩個人》 | 「永遠兩個人」讀後感 by Ally | 不會有沒意義的人生的《讀:永遠兩個人》 |
● related articles ●
阪口憲二松隆子 - 雪地情人
記者傅繼瑩報導 【2003/01/10 星報】

日本富士電視台今年開春率先上檔的偶像劇「二人世界」, 在松隆子與阪口憲二兩位俊男美女的新鮮組合下, 首集收視率已有18.2%的不錯成績, 女主角松隆子這次也格外賣力演出, 為了達到浪漫動人效果, 甚至不惜忍受零下九度的酷寒入鏡.
向來頗受矚目的富士黃金「月九」時段, 這次推出了傳統愛情喜劇路線的「二人世界」, 期待能喚回觀眾們的注意力, 身負收視重任的松隆子, 還與大批工作人員拉隊到北海道的雪地中拍攝外景, 穿著可愛紅色冬裝的松隆子, 連續幾個早上都必須在零下九度的雪地裡工作, 但她絲毫不以為苦的表示: 「純白的雪景相當令人震撼, 能在當中奔跑是很難得的經驗. 雖然工作人員必須自己鏟出雪道、每天又一早就開工、天氣也非常寒冷, 實在是一次艱苦的外景, 但卻因此特別期待看到播出時的效果究竟如何. 」
劇中松隆子飾演一位純真的北海道女孩, 抱著作家夢來到東京, 因為生活費用不慎被騙, 只好借住在多年不見的青梅竹馬好友阪口憲二的住處, 展開兩人奇妙的「二人世界」關係, 這次拍的雖然是愛情喜劇, 首次見面合作的阪口與松隆子, 卻面臨許多演技上的挑戰, 不但要演出青梅竹馬的感覺, 還需揣摩如何從朋友變成情人, 阪口給自己的期許, 就是希望能演出一段溫暖又令人憧憬的愛情故事.
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